C Psychiatric Solutions Logo

Dedicated to offering comprehensive care for mental health, addiction, and sports psychiatry, along with providing crucial mental health support tailored to the unique needs of the African American and Caribbean communities.

We recognize the importance of addressing mental health with a nuanced understanding of cultural backgrounds. Our commitment extends beyond general psychiatric care to specialized programs that respect and incorporate the cultural identities of our patients. We provide a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment where every individual can receive the care they need and deserve.

Dedicated to offering comprehensive care for mental health, addiction, and sports psychiatry, along with providing crucial mental health support tailored to the unique needs of the African American and Caribbean communities.

We recognize the importance of addressing mental health with a nuanced understanding of cultural backgrounds. Our commitment extends beyond general psychiatric care to specialized programs that respect and incorporate the cultural identities of our patients. We provide a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment where every individual can receive the care they need and deserve.

Why Choose C Psychiatric Solutions?

We go beyond traditional approaches to deliver personalized evidence-based medicine backed psychiatric services. We also partner with primary care, nutritionists, pain management specialists and others to ensure compassionate and completeness of care for our patients.

Counsellor in session


Comprehensive Treatment Options

Offering a unique, holistic approach to mental health care, integrating both medication management and psychotherapy to suit your individual needs. This dual capability allows for adapting of treatment plans that are both flexible and highly effective, ensuring you receive the most comprehensive care possible.


Expertise in Modern Psychotherapies

With extensive training in a variety of therapeutic techniques, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dynamic Deconstructive Psychotherapy, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Dr. Phillips is equipped to handle a wide range of psychiatric conditions. His expertise in these cutting-edge therapies ensures that you have access to the best tools for recovery and personal growth.


Innovative Use of Technology

Committed to utilizing the latest technological advancements in the field of psychiatry. By incorporating state-of-the-art resources, he enhances treatment effectiveness and patient engagement. This modern approach helps in achieving quicker and more sustainable mental health outcomes.


Transparent and Insightful Communication

Understanding your treatment journey is vital. Dr. Phillips provides monthly insight reports that detail the progress of your treatment, explaining both what has occurred and the future direction of your care. This level of transparent communication is designed to empower you with knowledge and involve you actively in the healing process.


A Partnership Approach to Care

Believing strongly in the therapeutic power of a collaborative relationship between the therapist and the patient, Dr. Phillips views his role as not just a care provider, but as a partner in your mental health journey. This partnership philosophy fosters a deeper understanding and trust, which are crucial for successful treatment outcomes.


We're here for you when you're ready!